
Tunguska meteoroid
Tunguska meteoroid

Solar System Res 25(4):69–80īronshten VA (1999) Trajectory and orbit of the Tunguska meteorite revisited. Nauka, Moscowīronshten VA (1992) Nature of the anomalous sky luminescence connected with the Tungus event. Nauka, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, pp 163–168 (in Russian)īronshten VA (1981) Physics of meteoric phenomena. Geologiya i Geofizika (in Russian) 3:79–84īoyarkina AP, Goldine VD, Sidoras SD (1980) About territorial structure of the remnant magnetization vector of soils in the area of the Tunguska meteorite fall. Ann NY Acad Sci 822:236–282īoyarkina AP, Sidoras SD (1974) Paleomagnetic studies in the area of Tunguskian meteorite falling. Nauka, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, pp 88–108 (in Russian)īoslough MB, Crawford DA (1997) Shoemaker-Levy 9 and plume-forming collisions on Earth. Tungusskiy Vestnik KSE (in Russian) 5:26–33īidyukov BF, Krasavchikov VO, Razum VA (1990) Thermoluminescent anomalies of soils of the Tunguska fall area. Nauka, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, pp 96–104 (in Russian)īidyukov BF (1997) Thermoluminescent anomalies in a zone of the Tunguska phenomenon influence. Phys Earth Planet Intern 11:1–35īidyukov BF (1988) Thermoluminescent analysis of soils of the Tunguska fall area. Observatory 115(1128):250–253īen-Menachem A (1975) Source parameters of the Siberian explosion of June 30, 1908, from analysis and synthesis of seismic signals at four stations. Fizmatgiz, Moscow, (in Russian), p 640īailey ME, Markham DJ, Massai S, Scriven JE (1995) The 1930 August 13 ‘Brazilian Tunguska’ event.

tunguska meteoroid

In: Gehrels T (ed) Hazards due to comets and asteroids University Arizona Press, Tucson, pp 721–778Īstapovich IS (1958) Meteoric phenomena in the Earth atmosphere. Therefore the problem of "asteroid and comet danger" should be expanded to the problem of "meteoroid, asteroid and comet danger".Adushkin VV, Nemchinov IV (1994) Consequences of impacts of cosmic bodies on the surface of the Earth. Meteoroids like "Chelyabinsk" fall on average once every 30 years. Very interesting topics of next research are magnetic properties of Fe-Ni phase, because of cosmic synthesis conditions. In metallic phases of the meteorite mainly Fe-rich compounds exist. Transparent or translucent mineral filaments firmly linked to the particles were found in the meteoritic dust. This shape argues that fragmentation process of initial body happened randomly and in a cascade way. The mass distribution of found meteorites is lognormal. This new dust belt, located above the Junge aerosol layer, has persisted over at least a three-month period. During four days the dust had circumnavigated the globe and formed stratospheric dust belt. Only 1% of meteoroid mass arrived to the Earth surface in the form of meteorites while the most part of meteoroid became dust.

tunguska meteoroid

Height of the maximum of the main flash of Chelyabinsk bolide is 30 km. This paper presents the brief review of Chelyabinsk group of meteoroid, bolide and meteorite "Chelyabinsk" investigations.

tunguska meteoroid

Due to the common origin of these two celestial bodies their average density was equal - about of 570 kg/m^3. Energy of its explosion was equal to 57 megatons of TNT, size of Tunguska meteoroid was equal to 105 m, mass - 0.35 megatons, while energy of explosion was about of 14.5 megatons of TNT. It turned out that the size of Chelyabinsk meteoroid was equal to 180 - 185 meters, and its mass was close to 1.8 megatons.

tunguska meteoroid

This model was used to calculate the characteristics of objects that caused the Chelyabinsk and Tunguska explosions with using of its trajectory parameters described in recent scientific publications (late 2013 - early 2014). This paper describes application of mathematical model that establishes relationship between parameters of celestial bodies motion in the spheres of activity of the Sun and the Earth with mass-energy characteristics of these objects and their explosion modes during destruction in the Earth atmosphere, that in turn are linked with phenomena observed on underlying surface.

Tunguska meteoroid